特科 Mega Mini Gaming G1:全球最小的游戏个人电脑揭晓

Tecno Mega Mini Gaming G1是一款小巧但强大的迷你电脑,配备独特的定制水冷系统


这款超小巧的水冷游戏PC竟然如此微小! 😱🎮 #ENBLE

2024年MWC展出的Tecno Mega Mini Gaming G1微小游戏PC。 图片来源:Minimachines.net

Tecno,作为智能手机行业的重要参与者,通过其最新作品——Mega Mini Gaming G1,迈入了计算机领域。这款袖珍型PC首次亮相于2024年的世界移动通信大会(MWC),并自称为带有水冷系统的世界最小游戏PC。尽管我们迫不及待地期待进行深入评估以验证这一说法,Mega Mini Gaming G1肯定已经引起了我们的注意。


在Mega Mini Gaming G1的核心是英特尔 Core i9-13900H处理器,还可选择升级至最新的英特尔Core Ultra处理器。其图形性能由一款英伟达 RTX 4060 GPU提供,这很可能是笔记本电脑版本。然而,使得这款微型PC与众不同的是其定制水冷解决方案。Tecno向用户保证可以有效地保持恒定的温度,确保即使在激烈的游戏场景中也能保持稳定的性能。

🚀 Mega Mini Gaming G1就像口袋里的野兽,蕴含着与其小身躯不符的巨大动力。就像是具有公牛力量的吉娃娃!


除了性能能力之外,Mega Mini Gaming G1还提供一些令人兴奋的功能。🌈 绚丽多彩的RGB灯光包裹着这台PC,增添了一丝奢华的感觉。但真正的焦点是机箱上的嵌入式屏幕。此屏幕可以让用户监控关键的硬件指标,如CPU、GPU和内存使用情况,以及温度读数。就像在指尖拥有一个微型指挥中心。


尽管Tecno尚未公布官方尺寸,但根据Minimachines可靠的消息,该PC的高度为9.8英寸,宽度为5.2英寸。对于这样尺寸的PC来说,Tecno如何设法将如此强大的性能塞进如此紧凑的设计中实在令人印象深刻。此外,Mega Mini Gaming G1配备了一款1TB PCIe Gen 4固态硬盘32GB DDR5内存,未来可以通过标准的SO-DIMM插槽进行升级。它还支持Thunderbolt 4和Wi-Fi 6E。在I/O接口方面,双以太网端口,两个USB-C端口,六个USB-A端口,以及一个耳机和麦克风组合耳机孔使得其功能多样化。

Tecno Mega Mini Gaming G1微型游戏PC上的嵌入式LED显示屏。 图片来源:Minimachines.net


Mega Mini Gaming G1配备了一个OCuLink端口,可以连接外部图形扩展坞。这意味着您可以将这台微型PC与强大的台式机级GPU配对使用。虽然OCuLink可能不是最佳解决方案,但与Thunderbolt相比提供了更高的带宽,速度高达64Gb/s,比Thunderbolt 4提升60%。

🎮 有了Mega Mini Gaming G1,Tecno为想要结合便捷的超小PC和高性能GPU图形强大能力的玩家们打开了一扇充满可能性的大门。就像拥有一台可以在小汽车和巨型机器人之间切换的变形金刚!


不幸的是,Tecno尚未透露Mega Mini Gaming G1的定价和供货细节。但我们迫不及待地等待更多信息,一旦这款微小的游戏强力机器上市,我们将竭尽所能抢先体验!



Q: Is the Mega Mini Gaming G1 suitable for professional use, or is it primarily designed for gaming?

A: While the Mega Mini Gaming G1 is undoubtedly an excellent choice for gaming enthusiasts, its powerful specifications also make it suitable for professional use. From video editing to 3D modeling, this compact PC can handle demanding tasks with ease.

Q: Can I upgrade the storage and RAM in the Mega Mini Gaming G1?

A: Absolutely! The Mega Mini Gaming G1 comes with upgradeable storage options and uses standard SO-DIMM slots for RAM. So, you can easily expand your storage capacity and increase your system’s memory to suit your needs.

Q: How does the custom watercooling system in the Mega Mini Gaming G1 work?

A: The custom watercooling system in the Mega Mini Gaming G1 utilizes a network of tubes and a radiator to dissipate heat from the CPU and GPU. This ensures that the system stays cool, even during intense gaming sessions, resulting in consistent performance and longevity.

Q: Can I connect multiple monitors to the Mega Mini Gaming G1?

A: Yes, the Mega Mini Gaming G1 supports multiple monitors. With its powerful graphics capabilities, you can connect multiple displays for an immersive gaming experience or to enhance productivity during multitasking.

The Future of Compact Gaming PCs

The launch of the Tecno Mega Mini Gaming G1 represents a significant development in the world of compact gaming PCs. As advancements in technology continue, we can expect even smaller form factors with increasingly powerful specifications. These mini PCs offer a compelling alternative to traditional bulky gaming desktops, providing a seamless blend of performance and portability.

🔮 The future holds a universe of possibilities for compact gaming PCs. Who knows, we might even see pocket-sized PCs capable of running games at 8K resolution without breaking a sweat!


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Hey readers, what do you think about the Tecno Mega Mini Gaming G1? Are you excited about the prospect of a powerful gaming PC in such a small form factor? Share your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to share this article with your fellow tech enthusiasts! 🎮💻✨
