
今天,Spotify、Epic Games、Deezer、Paddle和其他各大开发商和欧盟协会联合致信欧盟委员会,敦促...


Spotify, Epic Games, and other companies believe Apple’s App Store changes don’t follow the DMA.

🎉🖥️📝 Hey there tech enthusiasts and app aficionados! 🎉🖥️📝

🗣️🌍 Our friends over at Spotify, Epic Games, Deezer, Paddle, and other prominent developers and EU associations have come together to voice their concerns to the European Commission about Apple’s “proposed scheme for compliance” with the Digital Markets Act (DMA). It seems like things are heating up in the battle of the tech giants! 🔥💥

📝✉️ The joint letter addressed to the European Commission highlights Apple’s plans, stating that they do not meet the requirements set by the law. In fact, the letter goes so far as to claim that Apple’s changes not only disregard both the spirit and letter of the law but will also make a mockery of the DMA. Ouch! That’s a bold statement. 😮📜

🚀🌐 Let’s dive into some of the key aspects of Apple’s plan that have sparked this outrage.

Unworkable Choices for Developers 🤔

😵💭 Apple’s requirement for developers to either stick with the current App Store terms or opt in to new terms has left many scratching their heads. The joint letter argues that this option creates an “unworkable choice,” adding unnecessary complexity and confusion for developers. According to the letter, neither option is in compliance with the DMA, and both would only serve to consolidate Apple’s stranglehold over digital markets. It seems like Apple has created a rock and a hard place for developers! 🪨🤨💼

Resistance to Unjust Terms 💔

🛑🤝 The Core Technology Fee and transaction fees introduced by Apple are seen as major obstacles to competition. Developers are unwilling to agree to these “unjust terms” that would hinder their progress. It’s clear that Apple’s fees have not gone down well with the developer community. They want to level the playing field! 🏀⚖️

Privacy and Security Concerns? 🤷‍♂️

🔒🔐 Apple claims to be acting in the interest of user privacy and security, but developers in the joint letter believe this is an excuse to limit user choice. The letter criticizes Apple’s intention of displaying “scare screens” to users, arguing that they are designed to mislead and degrade the user experience. These scare tactics seem to have backfired, as developers now see Apple’s motives as questionable. 😱📵🙅‍♂️

A Difficult Path to Alternative App Stores 🚧

😫⚠️ Sideloading is a big no-no for Apple, and it’s taking measures to make the installation and use of new app stores difficult, risky, and financially unattractive for developers. This limitation on alternative app marketplaces has developers crying foul and stifles competition. Can you hear the developers’ battle cries? ⚔️🗣️

📬🔔 The joint letter urges the European Union to take decisive action against Apple, emphasizing that the response will be a crucial test for the DMA and its potential to benefit Europe’s citizens and economy. The clock is ticking for Apple, as the deadline for compliance with the Digital Markets Act is March 7. Will Apple make the necessary changes, or will they hold their ground? The tech world eagerly awaits the outcome! ⌛🕰️

📚🔍 To get a deeper understanding of Apple’s perspective, the tech giant has published a whitepaper outlining the risks it aims to mitigate with the implementation of the Notarization process and other requirements. It seems Apple is trying to cover its bases and show it has everything under control. Will developers be convinced? 😎📝

📹🖼️ At this point, we don’t have a video or image for you, but we’ll keep you posted if any juicy visuals emerge!

🔗📚 Here are some interesting and related articles you might want to check out to stay on top of this developing story: – Apple’s App Store Permits Streaming Game Stores, Adds In-app Purchase MiniAppsA Letter to the European Commission on Apple’s Lack of DMA Compliance

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(图片: App Store Unfair Feature 2 | 来源: Miximages)
