


Twitter’s spam attack on Mastodon exposes vulnerabilities in the ‘Fediverse’.

Decentralized Social Web

The decentralized social web, also known as the Fediverse, has recently been targeted by a spam attack that impacted platforms like Mastodon and Misskey. This attack brings to light the vulnerability of the Fediverse to abuse and highlights the need for stronger security measures. In this article, we will delve into the details of the attack, explore its implications, and discuss the future of the decentralized social web.

The Attack: Spam Automation Exploits Open Registrations

In the past few days, a spam attack has been unleashed on smaller Mastodon servers, taking advantage of open registrations to automate the creation of spam accounts. This is not the first time the Fediverse has faced such an attack, but previously, only larger servers like Mastodon.social were targeted. The difference this time is that the spammers went after smaller and even abandoned servers with open registration, allowing them to quickly generate spam accounts.

The attack was fully automated once the spammers discovered they could script spam. According to reports on Mastodon, the attack was a result of a dispute between factions on Discord, with one side attempting to get the other side’s Discord server banned. The spammers not only targeted Mastodon but also other platforms like Misskey, which is an open-source decentralized blogging platform.

The Weaknesses of the Fediverse and Mastodon’s Vulnerability

The spam attack has shed light on the weaknesses inherent in the structure of the Fediverse. Mastodon, being open-source software, allows anyone to install it on their own server, creating their own instance or node that connects with other federated social networking servers. However, smaller Mastodon servers are often run by hobbyists who may not always pay close attention to their servers or implement strong security measures. Thus, they become easy targets for attacks like these.

As one server admin humorously remarked, “Some instance admins got reminded that they had an instance. And we also learned there are A LOT of abandoned instances out there with their door wide open for registration without approval.” This highlights the need for stricter security practices, such as switching registration to approval mode and blocking disposal email providers.

The Aftermath: Collaborative Efforts and Ivory’s Emergency Update

In response to the attack, server admins came together and created ongoing lists of abandoned instances that other admins could use as a basis for a blocklist to protect their users. Many servers chose to shut down temporarily or even abandon Mastodon altogether until the attack subsided.

Third-party Mastodon app Ivory, from Tapbots, released an emergency update that included a custom filter called “Potential Spam.” This filter allowed users to mute spam mentions, helping them mitigate the impact of the attack. However, spam push notifications still posed a challenge.

Fortunately, as of this morning, the attack seems to be winding down, with fewer spam accounts being suspended. Nevertheless, the incident has left some users frustrated with the experience and disappointed with the initial silence from Mastodon founder and CEO Eugen Rochko.

The Future of Mastodon and the Fediverse

In recent months, Mastodon’s user base has seen a decline, partly due to the emergence of competitors like Instagram Threads. Mastodon had grown to around 1.8 million monthly active users last year but dropped to 1.5 million by the time Threads launched. With the public launch of Bluesky, another decentralized social network, Mastodon’s usage has further decreased to 1 million monthly active users. The broader Fediverse, including Mastodon and other apps, currently boasts approximately 2.9 million monthly active users.

The entry of Threads into the decentralized social web space has raised concerns among users. While Meta’s technical expertise may enhance spam prevention efforts, some worry that Meta aims to become the default client and ultimately take over the Fediverse, leveraging its vast resources to drive adoption of their app.

Additional Q&A

Q: How can smaller Mastodon servers protect themselves from future spam attacks?


A: 较小的 Mastodon 服务器可以通过将注册切换到批准模式、阻止一次性邮箱提供商,并定期监视其服务器以发现任何可疑活动来增强其安全措施。他们还可以参考其他管理员创建的废弃实例列表,以创建黑名单。

Q: 用户可以采取哪些步骤来保护自己免受 Fediverse 内垃圾邮件的侵扰?

A: 用户可以利用像 Ivory 这样的第三方应用程序,提供自定义过滤器以禁止垃圾邮件提及。然而,完全阻止垃圾推送通知是具有挑战性的。保持警惕,并向服务器管理员举报任何垃圾帐户也可以帮助解决问题。

Q: 加强分散式社交网络安全性的潜在解决方案是什么?

A: 更强的安全措施,例如注册强制批准、改进的垃圾邮件过滤器,以及对服务器活动进行更强大的监视,可以显着增强分散式社交网络的安全性。服务器管理员之间的合作,分享信息并有效打击垃圾邮件攻击至关重要。


最近对分散式社交网络的垃圾邮件攻击暴露了脆弱性,并引发了关于如何解决这些问题的讨论。Mastodon 和 Fediverse 中的其他平台必须优先实施更强的安全措施。服务器管理员之间的合作以及制定有效的垃圾邮件防范策略可以帮助加强分散式社交网络对未来攻击的防御。

尽管这次攻击无疑具有破坏性,但它揭示了 Fediverse 内存在的弱点。通过从这起事件中吸取经验教训,并积极解决安全问题,分散式社交网络可以继续发展成为一个更安全和更具弹性的平台。


  1. Mastodon 创始人确认攻击
  2. Discord 争端作为原因
  3. 受到影响的垃圾邮件目标
  4. Tapbots 的 Ivory 紧急更新
  5. Bluesky 的公开发布

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