


Balatro: The Addictive Poker Roguelike Taking the Gaming World by Storm

poker game Balatro

When a game comes out of nowhere and quickly garners a Steam Overwhelmingly Positive rating from a whopping 9,000 votes, you know it’s time to sit up and take notice. Balatro, the poker-themed deck-building roguelike card game developed by LocalThunk and published by Playstack, has captured the hearts of gamers, earning itself the reputation of being one of the most addictive games ever played.


Described by one player as “crack for gamer brains,” Balatro has not only taken on the AAA(A) titles from big studios but has also surpassed them. In fact, Balatro managed to rake in a staggering $1 million within the first eight hours of its release, leaving everyone in awe. PlayStack CEO, Harvey Hunt, expressed his amazement, stating, “All publishing partnerships involve some degree of faith, and recent industry news has made each leap seem even more daunting. So, it’s a rare privilege to announce that Balatro reached game profitability within just one hour of its release. I can’t praise the developer LocalThunk and the publishing team at Playstack enough for achieving this impressive milestone.”


Balatro’s success has even made it PlayStack’s fastest-selling game in its eight-year history. With its hypnotically satisfying deck-building mechanics, where players engage in illegal poker hands, discover game-changing jokers, and trigger adrenaline-pumping, outrageous combos, Balatro has captivated the gaming community. Players have confessed to losing track of time as they become immersed in this captivating card game.


LocalThunk, the enigmatic developer behind Balatro, poured their heart and soul into creating this game. Initially, they had hoped to share it with a few friends and loved ones, but the overwhelming support and enjoyment from people around the world have been truly humbling. The Balatro community and Playstack’s backing have made this dream a reality.


Balatro is now available on Steam for $14.99 / €13.99 / £12.79. If you’re ready to embark on an addictive poker roguelike adventure like no other, be sure to grab your deck and join the Balatro frenzy.


About the Author

Paul McNally, Gaming Editor


Paul McNally is a veteran in the gaming industry, having been immersed in the world of consoles and computers since his parents bought him a Mattel Intellivision in 1980. With over a decade of experience as the editor of top video game and computer magazines, including a market-leading PlayStation title, Paul brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his role as a gaming journalist.


Paul’s passion for gaming extends beyond his work. He has hosted panels at retro-gaming conventions, appeared as a guest on gaming podcasts and Twitch shows, and even dabbles in 3D printing. Believing that readers should genuinely enjoy what they’re reading, Paul consistently strives to elevate gaming journalism to new heights.


Q&A Section

Q: What makes Balatro stand out from other poker games?

A: Balatro combines the thrill of poker with roguelike elements, creating a unique gameplay experience. The illegal poker hands, game-changing jokers, and adrenaline-pumping combos set it apart from traditional poker games.

Q: Is Balatro only available on Steam?

A: Yes, currently Balatro is exclusively available on the Steam platform. However, there may be potential for future releases on other platforms.

Q: Can I play Balatro solo, or is multiplayer available?

A: Balatro is primarily a single-player game, focusing on the roguelike experience. While multiplayer functionality is not available at launch, there’s always the possibility of future updates or expansions.


Balatro 的影响和未来

Balatro 取得的迅速成功和压倒性积极反应,表明了游戏行业正在发生变化。像 Balatro 这样的小型独立游戏现在能够与甚至超越来自知名工作室的大型 AAA 游戏展开竞争。这一趋势突显了玩家对创新和令人上瘾的游戏体验的渴望。

随着 Balatro 前所未有的成功,我们可能会见证开发者探索游戏类型融合的增加,创造出吸引更广泛观众的独特组合。这种转变可能为一个全新的游戏时代铺平道路,让独立开发者与知名工作室并驾齐驱。

随着游戏行业不断发展,我们可以期待更多惊喜、更多令人上瘾的游戏、以及更多突破性的游戏体验。Balatro 只是改变我们认知和享受游戏方式的浪潮的开始。


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