🚀 保护告密者,揭露企业不端行为 🕵️‍♀️

威尔卡德的举报人帕夫·吉尔(Pav Gill)成立了一家名为Confide的创业公司,旨在保护举报人免受报复,并防止他们向媒体透露内部信息


Pav Gil, who helped take down Wirecard, now has a startup that protects whistleblowers.

Introduction: A Whistleblower’s Tale 🌟

Imagine working for a high-flying company only to discover that they’re cooking the books 📚 and fudging their numbers. That’s exactly what happened to Singapore-based lawyer Pav Gill when he joined the German payments giant, Wirecard. But instead of turning a blind eye, Pav decided to take matters into his own hands.

In a covert operation codenamed “Project Phoenix,” Pav uncovered irrefutable evidence of wrongdoing. However, when the board of directors caught wind of his investigation, instead of praising his efforts, they ordered him to stand down 🤷‍♂️. Pav eventually left the company after facing a nightmare of workplace harassment 😱.

But Pav didn’t give up. Before he left Wirecard, he loaded a hard drive with 85GB of email data that provided undeniable proof of the company’s misdeeds. And it was his mother who took it upon herself to blow the whistle on Wirecard, ensuring that the truth couldn’t be silenced 🔔.

The Fallout: Wirecard’s Demise 💥

Once the explosive revelations came to light, it didn’t take long for the house of cards to crumble. A KPMG audit revealed that the majority of Wirecard’s profits couldn’t be verified. Then, shockingly, EY, the company’s original auditor, discovered that a massive €1.9 billion was missing because the money had never existed 💸.

Bottom line? Wirecard collapsed into insolvency, thanks in large part to Pav and his mother’s brave actions. Yet, even after the truth was exposed, Pav’s life was turned upside down. His job interviews veered heavily towards questions about his departure, and he even suspected that he and his mother were being followed 🚗.

A Safer Solution: Enter Confide 😎

Despite the hardships he faced, Pav believed there had to be a better way to protect whistleblowers and make exposing corporate misconduct less daunting. Alongside his trusted colleague Ryan Dougherty, Pav co-founded Confide, a startup on a mission to create a safer environment for employees to detect and report wrongdoing 🛡️.

What sets Confide apart is its anonymous reporting platform. Employees can file reports without fear of retaliation, as Confide ensures that both the whistleblower and the accused business have access to a tamperproof paper trail 📝. Stored on secure third-party infrastructure, this evidence provides irrefutable proof of any misconduct.

The Power of Normalizing Whistleblowing 💪

Confide aims to not only protect whistleblowers but also to change the perception surrounding whistleblowing itself. The term “blowing the whistle” often carries negative connotations, implying that the whistleblower is merely whining or complaining. But Pav and his team believe that if reporting misconduct becomes a standardized process, it will help remove this stigma 🚫.

The hope is that by providing a secure and trusted avenue for reporting, employees will feel empowered to act. With a standardized system in place, whistleblowing can be seen as an act of courage and righteousness, rather than biting the hand that feeds.

Expanding Horizons: Every Industry Counts! ✨

While existing reporting platforms have primarily targeted the financial services industry, Confide is setting its sights on broader horizons. They aim to extend their services to industries where the consequences of doing the wrong thing can be life-threatening, such as healthcare, mining, and air travel ✈️.

By spreading awareness and providing practical solutions, Confide hopes to enable businesses in all sectors to correct their behavior and ensure the safety of those who report misconduct.

The Future: Preventing “Wirecard 2.0” 🚫

Confide’s mission extends beyond simply exposing corporate wrongdoing. It’s about giving businesses a chance to rectify their behavior before things spiral out of control. By providing a secure reporting mechanism, Confide hopes to prevent businesses from becoming the next Wirecard disaster 💣.

In December 2023, a basic version of Confide was set to launch, coinciding with new EU regulations that require businesses to establish channels for reporting misconduct. And with more features on the horizon, Confide is well-positioned to make a lasting impact in the fight against corporate misconduct.


  1. 🔗 阅读第一篇故事
  2. 🔗 Techtastic: 教员工如何戏弄审计员
  3. 🔗 篡改数据: 华尔街通讯社丑闻
  4. 🔗 Yandex 监视: 监视持不同意见者
  5. 🔗 付费 Meta: 发生了什么

🔔 是时候采取行动了! 参与运动吧! 📢

Pav Gill 的故事展示了吹哨者的力量以及为正义挺身而出的重要性。Confide 的使命是保护那些冒着一切揭露不端行为的人,并确保企业承担责任。

如果您认为透明和诚实应该成为企业文化的常态,请加入我们的行列。将这篇文章分享给您的朋友和同事,让我们确保各行各业的企业都努力变得更好,这样世界就再也不会看到“华尔街通讯社2.0”般的灾难了! 一起,我们可以改变现状! 💪✨

本文最初发表于 2024 年 3 月/4 月号的 ENBLE UK 杂志。

🤔 问答 – 解答你的疑问! 🔥

问: Confide 如何保护吹哨者免受报复? 答: Confide 确保吹哨者和被指控企业均可以访问存储在安全第三方基础设施上的防篡改纸轨,这提供了任何不端行为的不可辩驳证据,使企业难以忽视或报复吹哨者。

问: Confide 如何改变人们对吹哨行为的看法? 答: 通过建立一个标准化的举报不当行为程序,Confide 的目标是重新定义吹哨行为为一种勇气和正直的行为,而不仅仅是抱怨。鼓励创造一个更安全的举报环境将有助于消除与吹哨行为相关的污名。

问: 除金融领域外,Confide 将专注于哪些行业? 答: Confide 的目标是将其服务扩展到医疗保健、矿业和航空旅行等行业,其中不当行为的后果可能威胁生命。通过提供解决方案和宣传意识,Confide 希望保护雇员并纠正各行业中的不当行为。

问: Confide 何时可用,未来计划是什么? 答: Confide 计划在 2023 年 12 月推出其基本版本,与新的欧盟法规同时实施。该公司计划在 2024 年初推出额外功能,进一步赋予个人举报不当行为的能力,并帮助企业改善其行为。

问: 我如何支持 Pav Gill 和 Confide 的使命? 答: 宣传! 将这篇文章以及有关 Confide 的信息与您的朋友、同事和社交网络分享。通过提高人们对透明度和问责制重要性的认识,您可以为推动重视企业诚信的文化做出贡献,预防未来类似华尔街通讯社般的丑闻发生。

📸 图片来源: Unsplash
