Linux 6.8内核发布:修复、特性和一般厉害

尽管 Linux 6.8 在历史上相对较小,但仍然提供了很多功能,并且将预装 Ubuntu 24.04 LTS以下是您需要了解的其他信息


Linux kernel version 6.8 brings some exciting new features and fixes throughout.

penguin gliding through water
Image source: miximages

If you’re a big Linux kernel nerd, you might be shrugging your shoulders at version 6.8. After all, it’s nowhere near the size of 6.7. In fact, it’s “average” in Linus Torvalds’ humble opinion. But hey, even an average Linux release brings fixes all over the place and some cool new features!

What’s So Average About It?

In his Linux Kernel Mailing List post, Torvalds mentions, “…this looks like an average release in pretty much all respects, and we don’t have any obvious big new filesystems or architectures.” But fear not, dear Linux enthusiasts! Even without groundbreaking innovations, version 6.8 brings some noteworthy updates and fixes.

Fixes All Over the Place

This release includes numerous fixes and improvements that touch various aspects of the Linux kernel. Here are just a few:

  • Improved networking buffers for better caching efficiency 🌐
  • Driver fixes for the Steam Controller 🎮
  • Better color management for the Steam Deck 👾
  • A guest-first memory feature for KVM 💭
  • A change to the Intel P-State CPU frequency scaling driver (so those CPUs will be able to hit their advertised boost speeds) 🚀
  • The ability to prevent direct writes to block devices 🚫
  • Improved sys call entry performance for the IBM Z architecture 💨
  • Fixes to mitigate AMD RFI interference on Ryzen 7000 and 8000 laptops 🔧
  • Optimizations for NUMA balancing and Deadline Scheduler 🏎️
  • IRQ override quirks for various laptops 🎛️
  • Improvements to the WMI bus driver 🚌
  • Improvements for several Android devices 📱

The New Additions

While the focus of this release may be on fixes, there are still noteworthy new features to excite the inner tech geek in you. The most significant addition is the new Intel Xe DRM driver. This driver ensures that Linux will support future Intel graphics cards. It will also boost the performance of Intel integrated and discrete GPUs 🎮✨.

Additionally, Linux 6.8 brings support for various hardware and new technologies:

  • Support for the Broadcom BCM2712 CPU found in the Raspberry Pi 5 🍓🥧
  • The Bcachefs initial online filesystem check and repair 🧰
  • Timing adjustment to the fscrypt keyring destruction in preparation for Btrfs’s fscrypt support ⏰
  • SBI-based suspend to RAM 💤
  • Host-side support for Intel’s Trust Domain Extensions (TDX) 🔒
  • Intel Sierra Forest and Grand Ridge intel/cstate PMU support 🌲
  • New drivers to support MPS Multi-phase mp2856/mp2857 controllers 🎛️

What Lies Ahead

Although the Linux 6.8 kernel will only be supported for a few months before being succeeded by kernel 6.9, Torvalds already has several pull requests waiting in the pipeline. He urges the community to test version 6.8 thoroughly before diving into the next exciting release.

For more detailed information about the Linux 6.8 kernel, you can check out this entry from Linux Torvalds.

Installing the 6.8 Kernel

If you’re eager to try out the Linux 6.8 kernel, your best bet is to wait until your distribution of choice adds it to its default repositories. However, if you simply cannot wait, you can always download the source from the site.



Q: 新的英特尔 Xe DRM 驱动程序是否能够与 ARM 处理器兼容? A: 绝对可以!新的英特尔 Xe DRM 驱动程序使得英特尔独立显卡不仅可以在 ARM 处理器上工作,还可以在 POWER 和 RISC-V 架构上工作。这主要是为了扩大在 Linux 世界中的兼容性和性能。

Q: Linux 6.8 内核中是否有任何安全改进? A: 尽管此版本的焦点不主要在安全增强方面,但始终保持 Linux 系统更新至关重要。内核更新通常包含对先前版本中发现的安全漏洞的补丁,有助于创建更安全的计算环境。

Q: Linux 6.8 对英特尔显卡游戏性能会有显著提升吗? A: 绝对会!新的英特尔 Xe DRM 驱动程序以及其他修复和优化将提升集成和独立英特尔显卡的性能。玩家可以高兴地体验更流畅的游戏过程和改进的图形渲染。


发布新的 Linux 内核版本,即使是一个“普通”的版本,也象征着这个被广泛喜爱的开源操作系统的持续演进和改进。随着更多开发者为其发展做出贡献,Linux 成为推动创新和在各种设备和架构上实现兼容性的强大力量。

📚 参考列表: – “每个新用户都应该学习的前 5 个 Linux 命令” – Linux 命令的初学者指南。 – “BigLinux 让任何人都能轻松使用 Linux – 它应该更受欢迎” – 介绍 BigLinux,一种用户友好型 Linux 发行版。 – “内核安全性:现在,Linux 独特的代码安全方法” – 了解 Linux 内核安全措施和实践。

别独自享受 Linux 6.8 内核的新闻!与您的技术爱好者朋友分享本文,并使用标签 #Linux68Kernel 在社交媒体平台上展开热烈讨论。让我们一起拥抱 Linux 的美好!🐧✨
