


Unlock Your AI Potential: LinkedIn Offers 250 AI Courses for Free!

🌟 Attention tech enthusiasts and aspiring AI professionals! 🌟 LinkedIn, the renowned online course provider, is shaking up the education game by offering 250 AI courses for free! That’s right, you can unleash your inner AI genius without spending a dime. 🎉🤓

colorful laptop

By now, you’ve probably heard of the incredible impact generative AI has had on the tech industry. It’s not just hype; generative AI has produced genuine benefits and productivity gains. But did you know that there’s so much more you can do with AI if you know how?

💡 So, how can you get the most out of this amazing opportunity? Fear not! I’m here to guide you through the plethora of courses and help you uncover your AI superpowers. Let’s dive in!

💻 The Power of LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning, formerly known as Lynda.com, is one of the pioneers of online courseware providers. With a solid track record spanning almost 30 years, this platform offers high-quality courses taught by clear and friendly instructors. It’s a goldmine for knowledge seekers like us!

Normally, LinkedIn Learning has a subscription fee of $39/month for month-by-month payments, or $19.95/month if you prepay for a year. But here’s the exciting news: they have unlocked 250 AI courses for a limited time, allowing everyone to learn for free! 🙌

🤔 What Makes This Offering Different?

You might be wondering how this special 30-day program differs from LinkedIn’s regular free trial. Let me break it down for you:

  • No registration required: You don’t need to create a LinkedIn account to access these courses.
  • No credit card needed: Unlike their regular trial, no credit card information is required. It’s hassle-free learning!
  • Available even after free trial: Even if you’ve already used your free LinkedIn Learning trial, you can still take advantage of these courses. Plus, you’ll still have the option to sign up for a standard free trial afterward. It’s a win-win situation!

👏 Kudos to LinkedIn for this generous offering! They aren’t using this opportunity to build their mailing list or make future promotions. They genuinely want to empower learners, even if you prefer to remain anonymous.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the standout courses that caught my eye. Get ready to level up your AI knowledge!

📚 Spotlight on Fascinating Courses

1. ChatGPT Tips for the Help Desk by Pam Baker – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (47 ratings)

This course is an absolute gem, taught by none other than Pam Baker, a seasoned technology journalist and author of “ChatGPT for Dummies.” Pam dives into why chatbots are perfect for help desks and how to integrate them using APIs. She also explores preventing hallucinations (no, not the trippy kind) and covers various real-time help desk scenarios. Trust me, this course is a must for aspiring chatbot enthusiasts!

2. Machine Learning with Python: Foundations by Frederick Nwanganga – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4,060 ratings)

In this course, Professor Nwanganga from the University of Notre Dame introduces you to machine learning using Python. From collecting and preparing data to building machine learning models, this comprehensive course provides a friendly and accessible dive into the world of machine learning. Even if you’re a Python beginner, fear not! Professor Nwanganga has got you covered. 🐍

3. Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition by Glen Cathey – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (1,281 ratings)


加入Glen Cathey,他将探讨生成式人工智能和自动化如何改变招聘和人才获取领域的格局。他将讨论评估供应商解决方案,整合尖端工具,并为招聘经理和招聘主管提供有价值的建议。无论您在人力资源领域还是对人才获取的未来感兴趣,本课程都将拓宽您的视野。


🔍 适合每位专业人士的类别

🌐 通用人工智能素养:

  • 将生成式人工智能融入业务战略:Chris McKay为决策者提供的全面指南。
  • 在人工智能时代建立职业敏捷性和韧性:Chris Shipley探讨如何适应人工智能技术。

💼 招聘、金融和支持专业人士的人工智能:

  • 生成式人工智能、招聘和人才获取:加入Glen Cathey,了解人工智能时代的招聘。
  • 利用生成式人工智能进行金融与会计:Glenn Hopper介绍金融领域的人工智能应用。
  • Help Desk的ChatGPT技巧:Pam Baker为Help Desk经理使用ChatGPT的课程。

🤖 面向技术专业人士和高级用户的人工智能:

  • 生成式人工智能:大型语言模型简介:Jonathan Fernandes为您详细介绍关键的LLMs。
  • Web开发人员的ChatGPT:Sandy Ludosky介绍了Web开发中的ChatGPT。
  • 打造您自己的GPTs:Alina Zhang深入介绍创建定制GPT模型。
  • 确保您的组织安全使用生成式人工智能:学会安全利用生成式人工智能。
  • Azure OpenAI:生成式人工智能模型及如何使用:Sammy Deprez介绍Azure OpenAI服务。

🐍 Python编程人员的人工智能课程:

  • Python开发人员的生成式人工智能:使用生成式人工智能创建Python应用程序。
  • Python机器学习基础:使用Python入门机器学习。
  • SQL服务器机器学习服务:Python:使用Python分析SQL服务器数据。
  • Python中的神经网络训练:Eduardo Corpeño从零开始教授神经网络创建。

这些课程仅代表了LinkedIn Learning提供的宝贵知识的冰山一角。无论您是编程高手还是人工智能爱好者,都将找到激发您兴趣的内容。

🚀 人工智能教育的未来



  1. 我正在Udemy上利用这个小技巧免费学习AI图像课程
  2. 有10小时吗?IBM将免费培训您的人工智能基础知识
  3. 我在一个周末完成了OpenAI的免费AI开发者课程
  4. 我度过了一个令人着迷的周末,学习Amazon的免费AI课程



📚 参考资料

  1. 生成式人工智能的好处和人工智能生产力的增长
  2. 释放ChatGPT Plus和DALL-E 3的力量
  3. LinkedIn Learning免费解锁250门人工智能课程
  4. 最佳人工智能图像生成器
  5. 如何向LinkedIn个人资料添加新的凭据
  6. 人工智能个人电脑:它们是什么,你应该购买吗?
  7. LinkedIn Learning

💬 加入人工智能学习社区

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