LG 的 CineBeam Q 投影仪:可携带性世界的颠覆者

全新的LG CineBeam Q投影仪拥有引人注目的设计和令人印象深刻的表现,但在购买之前还有一些因素需要考虑


LG impressed me with its retro-style projector, exceeding my expectations.

LG’s new CineBeam Q Projector is shaking up the market with its niche usability, practical features, and clever design. As an expert in computer technology and programming, I had the chance to go hands-on with the Q at LG’s headquarters, and let me tell you, it’s a game-changer.

A Portable Powerhouse

The first thing that caught my attention was the Q’s unique design. Unlike other projectors that are bulky and awkward, the Q is a solid cube with a metal arm that fully rotates around the device. This allows you to position it however you want, or even use it as a carrying handle. It’s like having a portable entertainment center that you can take with you anywhere.

Setting Up Has Never Been Easier

Setting up the Q is a breeze. It’s incredibly easy to install, and the image quality is top-notch. As I moved it around the room, I was amazed by its responsiveness and lack of lag. You can point the projector at any angle, even on the ceiling, and the image adjusts, focuses, and straightens in near real-time. This auto keystone capability is what truly makes the Q a portable powerhouse.

Picture Perfect

When it comes to image quality, the Q doesn’t disappoint. It projects a crisp and clear 4K (UHD) resolution image with its 3-channel laser RGB light source. The ability to adjust the picture size allows you to have a viewing party anywhere you want, whether it’s on your patio or rooftop. However, keep in mind that the more ambient light you have in your surroundings, the less vivid the projector’s image will look.

Sound that Leaves Something to be Desired

While the Q comes with a built-in speaker, it falls a bit short in the sound department. But fear not! You can easily hook it up to a Bluetooth speaker for a truly immersive cinematic experience. I would highly recommend using a speaker or soundbar companion to enhance the overall audio quality.

The Quest for Portability

One small drawback of the Q is that it needs to be connected to a power outlet. It would have been great to have a chargeable battery for a truly cordless experience. Nevertheless, considering the exceptional image quality it delivers, it’s a tradeoff worth making.

User-Friendly Interface

The Q’s onboard UI is similar to that of any LG smart TV, making it intuitive and user-friendly. Connecting to Bluetooth devices and navigating through different apps such as Hulu, YouTube, and Netflix is a breeze with the included remote. Just remember, when using the remote, point it at the device and not the projected image (trust me, I learned that the hard way).

ENBLE’s Buying Advice

If you’re in the market for a high-end projector with exceptional 4K image quality and superior screen auto-adjustment features, the CineBeam Q Projector from LG is the perfect choice. While it may not compete with the budget projectors, it offers top-notch performance and embraces portability.

The CineBeam Q is not yet available, but you can sign up for preorders on LG’s website and get $100 off. Keep an eye out for the offers and promotions that LG will be packaging with the projector. Other retailers may also have their own deals to compete with.

Now, let’s address some important questions readers might have:


Q: How does the CineBeam Q Projector compare to other portable projectors?

A: The CineBeam Q stands out from the crowd with its 4K image quality and superior screen auto-adjustment feature. While other projectors may offer portability, the Q takes it to the next level.

Q: Can I use the CineBeam Q Projector outdoors during the day?

A: While you can use it outdoors, keep in mind that the projector’s image may appear less vivid in bright sunlight. It’s best to enjoy the Q’s remarkable image quality during the evening or in shaded areas.

Q: Does the Q come with any accessories?


A: Q具有内置扬声器,但其音质还有待改善。我建议将其连接到蓝牙扬声器,以获得更佳的音频体验。

Q: Q是否与所有蓝牙设备兼容?

A: 是的,Q与大多数蓝牙设备兼容。连接您喜欢的扬声器或音响只需几个简单的步骤。

Q: 我可以不连接电源插座使用Q吗?

A: 不幸的是,Q需要连接电源插座。如果有可充电电池,对于增加便携性会非常方便。

现在您已经掌握了关于LG CineBeam Q投影仪的所有信息,是时候体验便携投影的未来了。别忘了与朋友分享本文,传播这一令人瞩目的创新!

参考链接:1. LG CineBeam Q投影仪:链接 2. 最佳户外投影仪:链接 3. 5款最佳便携式投影仪:链接 4. Roku电视无法使用:链接 5. CineBeam Q投影仪预购立减100美元:链接
