
谷歌浏览器将添加功能,允许用户将网页安装为桌面应用,类似于macOS Sonoma中的Safari(通过...)


Google Chrome to Allow Installing Websites as Desktop Apps Soon

If you’re a Mac user who loves the simplicity of Apple’s Safari browser’s ability to turn webpages into desktop apps, get ready for some exciting news! Google Chrome is bringing a similar feature to its browser, and it’s going to be a game-changer. 🎮💻

X user Leopeva64 recently spotted a new option called “Install page as app” in the latest Chrome Canary build. This option can be found in the Settings ➝ Save and share menu. 😲

🔍 Searching for Something Special? Websites like YouTube and Reddit, which already have their own web apps, will automatically appear as optional installs in this menu. So, if you’re a fan of these platforms and want quick access to their web apps, Chrome has got you covered! 🎉

😎 Install it, Like a Boss! To install a webpage as a desktop app, simply select the “Install page as app” option. A prompt will pop up, inviting you to “Install app.” Once you click it, the web app will be saved in the Chrome Canary Apps subfolder within your Applications directory. And if you want to make it easily accessible, just drag it to your Dock. Easy peasy! 🏄‍♂️🔥

🌟 Not Just a Pretty Face Chrome’s implementation of web apps outshines Safari’s by offering more than just a simplified toolbar with navigation buttons. Chrome goes all out with a pared-down settings menu that includes options like Copy URL, Open in Chrome, Uninstall, Zoom, Print, Find and Edit, and Cast. It’s like having a mini version of Chrome right on your desktop! 🤩

🎭 The Secret Behind the Magic

This fantastic feature is made possible due to Chrome’s support for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). Google embraced PWAs as a replacement for Chrome apps on the Google Play store, and now they’re extending the power of PWAs to webpages. This means you’ll be able to enjoy the convenience and efficiency of desktop apps without needing to download or install anything from an app store. Pretty cool, huh? ❄️👌

🔧 Try It Now! Curious to see how it works before it’s officially released? You can try out this feature by downloading the latest Canary 124 update. Once you have it, enable two new flags by copy-pasting the following links into your address bar:


⏲️ Coming Soon… While Chrome 123 is currently in beta, the public release is just around the corner. But don’t expect PWA support for webpages in this version. You’ll have to wait for the next stable build after that. But trust me, it’ll be worth it! 😉✨

🌐 Stay Up to Date To keep yourself in the loop and get the latest info as soon as it’s available, make sure to follow Google’s updates on the official Chrome blog. They’ll keep you informed and ready to take advantage of all the awesome features Chrome has to offer! 💪💻

💡 Q&A Corner: Your Burning Questions Answered

Q: Can I install any webpage as a desktop app using Chrome on Mac? A: Absolutely! Chrome’s new feature allows you to install any webpage as a desktop app, giving you quick access with just a click or a tap. It’s super easy and convenient!

Q: How does Chrome’s implementation of web apps compare to Safari? A: Chrome goes above and beyond by offering a wider range of options in its settings menu. From the ability to copy the URL to controlling zoom levels, Chrome’s web apps are more feature-rich and provide a closer experience to using the full Chrome browser.

Q: When will Chrome’s new web app feature be available? A: Chrome 123 is currently in beta, so the feature won’t be available in the upcoming release. However, it’s expected to be included in the stable build that follows. Be patient, it’s coming soon!

💥 Future Impact and Development

This move by Google to introduce desktop apps for webpages aligns with the growing popularity and importance of Progressive Web Apps. As more websites adopt PWA technology, turning webpages into desktop apps becomes a natural progression. We can expect this trend to continue, revolutionizing the way we interact with web content. 🌐💼


在未来,我们可能会看到浏览器为Web应用程序提供更多先进功能和选项。这可能包括性能提升、与操作系统的深度集成以及设备间无缝同步等。可能性是无限的,Chrome的新功能只是一个开始! 🚀🎉

🔗 参考列表:

  1. Android Police – Does Your Android Phone’s Browser Frustrate You? Clean It Up!
  2. Twitter – LeoPev64: Chrome’s New “Install Page as App” Option
  3. Google Chrome Canary – Download the Latest Build
  4. Progressive Web Apps: The Future of Web Development
  5. Google Chrome Blog – Official Updates and News

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