《堡垒之夜 5季第2章:希腊神话来袭,准备迎接神话混乱!》

《堡垒之夜》第二赛季主打希腊神话,泄露细节引发关注 Epic预告众神登场,Lady Gaga将以新歌助阵节日即将发布!


Fortnite Season 2将以希腊神话主题为特色,泄密显示Lady Gaga加入音乐节

📷 图片来源: Miximages

Fortnite粉丝们,做好准备!最新的传言和泄密表明,第5章第2季将带我们回到古希腊,带有神话主题。 🏛️🔱


一旦第5章第1季到来,Fortnite泄密者们就开始议论即将到来的第2季带有希腊神话主题。动画和其他挖掘的数据内容似乎证实了这些传言,并让玩家们对在众神之间激战的可能性感到兴奋。 🌩️⚡️

知名的Fortnite泄密者Shiina发推文称,“第2季皮肤的代号是‘奥德赛’,皮肤的设计相当不言自明…终于带有希腊神话主题了。” 🗺️✨



安好了吧,Fortnite玩家们!第2季预计将于3月8日左右到来,所以我们还有几周的等待时间。但不要担心,因为我们很可能会开始看到更多关于希腊庆典的线索和预告片,直至盛大启动。 📅🤩

Lady Gaga登上Fortnite舞台

与此同时,在一个令人惊讶的宣布中,Lady Gaga透露她将成为Fortnite音乐节新季的头号主打。是的,你没看错! 🎵🎤

以她的标志性问题“什么是‘夜战’?”而闻名的Lady Gaga肯定走了很长的路。她分享了一个带点幽默的帖子,上面简单地写着“Fortnite”,附有一款以她为蓝本的游戏内Fortnite角色。 🎶🌟

查看Lady Gaga的推文



  • Nelly ft. City Spud – “Ride Wit Me”
  • Soundgarden – “Black Hole Sun”
  • Topic w/ A7S – “Breaking Me”
  • Lady Gaga – “Poker Face”

<p无论你的音乐口味如何,总有适合你愉悦的音乐。 p="" 🎶🎧

📷 图片来源: Miximages

关于作者:Paul McNally

🎮 游戏编辑 🖊️ Paul McNally自1980年父母给他买了一款Mattel Intellivision游戏机后就沉浸在控制台和电脑的世界中。在游戏新闻界拥有超过二十年经验,他曾担任知名纸质视频游戏和电脑杂志的编辑。Paul的专业知识不仅局限于游戏,他曾担任专业体育俱乐部的传播部主管,并为知名慈善机构工作。

2020年,Paul重返他的激情,成为美国领先科技网站的主编。他的作品曾出现在GamePro、GQ和The Mirror等知名出版物上。除了写作,Paul还在复古游戏展会上主持讨论小组,并经常出现在游戏播客和Twitch节目中作为常客。


With a penchant for 3D printing, Paul has collaborated with major brands in the past to create captivating content. He firmly believes that gaming journalism should be enjoyable and strives to elevate the sites he works on above the ordinary. You can reach out to Paul on Twitter for more insights and engaging discussions.

💡 Q&A Section: Fortnite Season 5 Chapter 2 – Greek Mythology Extravaganza!

Q: Will there be mythological creatures in Season 2 of Fortnite Chapter 5? A: While there haven’t been any specific leaks or official announcements about mythological creatures, the Greek theme suggests that we may encounter beasts and entities from Greek mythology. Get ready for potential encounters with legendary creatures like the Minotaur and Medusa! 🐂🐍

Q: Can we expect new gameplay mechanics in Season 2? A: Epic Games loves to keep things fresh and exciting, so it wouldn’t be surprising if Season 2 introduces new gameplay mechanics, weapons, or even mythological-inspired abilities. Stay tuned for more updates and surprises! ⚡️💥

Q: Will there be special limited-time events during Season 2? A: Fortnite is known for its exciting live events, and Season 2 will likely be no exception. In the past, we’ve witnessed massive in-game concerts, breathtaking map changes, and exhilarating story-driven events. With a Greek mythology theme, we can anticipate epic battles, divine interventions, and maybe even the appearance of powerful Olympian gods! 🗡️🔥

🔍 References:Greek mythology-themed rumorsShiina’s tweetLady Gaga’s Fortnite announcementJam Tracks for Season 2 Premium TrackPaul McNally’s LinkedInThe Mirror’s article

That’s it for now, fellow Fortnite enthusiasts! Get ready to dive into the ancient world of Greek mythology, battle alongside legendary gods, and become a true hero in Fortnite Season 5 Chapter 2. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and spread the excitement on social media! 👍💬
