


Method to locate and move archived emails back to inbox in Gmail | ENBLE

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在网络上查找已存档的Gmail电子邮件 🌐

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要搜索已存档的电子邮件:1. 访问Gmail网站并登录。 2. 使用页面顶部的搜索栏,输入与您正在寻找的电子邮件相关的关键字。搜索结果将包括任何已存档的电子邮件。

要访问“所有邮件”文件夹:1. 访问Gmail网站并登录。 2. 在屏幕左侧,点击“更多”。 3. 从菜单中选择“所有邮件”。 4. 现在,您可以浏览所有的邮件,包括存档的邮件。

在Android手机上查找已存档的Gmail电子邮件 📱


要搜索已存档的电子邮件:1. 打开您设备上的Gmail应用。 2. 使用显示在您邮件上方的搜索栏,并输入相关关键字。 3. 搜索结果将包括任何已存档的电子邮件。

要访问“所有邮件”文件夹:1. 打开您设备上的Gmail应用。 2. 在屏幕顶部,点击菜单按钮(代表三个水平线)。 3. 从菜单中选择“所有邮件”。 4. 现在,您可以浏览所有的邮件,包括存档的邮件。

通过网络将已存档的Gmail移动到收件箱 💻

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  1. 访问Gmail网站并登录。
  2. 找到您要移动的电子邮件。
  3. 在电子邮件左侧,点击小框图标进行选择。
  4. 在屏幕顶部,点击“移至收件箱”图标(看起来像一个带有向下箭头的收件箱托盘)。


在Android上将已存档的Gmail移至收件箱 📥


  1. 打开您设备上的Gmail应用。
  2. 找到您要移动的电子邮件并选择它。
  3. 在屏幕右上角(三个垂直点)中点击更多按钮。
  4. 从菜单中选择“移至收件箱”选项。


Voila! Your archived email is now back in your inbox for easy access. To re-archive the email, open it again and select the Archive button (a small box with a down arrow).

Archiving Gmails on iPhones, MacBooks, and Other iOS Devices 🍏

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If you’re using an iOS device, archiving emails is slightly different. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Find the email you want in the “All mail” folder.
  2. On the left side of the screen, tap the sender’s profile icon.
  3. Select the More icon (three dots).
  4. Choose whether you want to “Move to inbox” or “Move to > Primary.”

Archiving an Email vs. Muting an Email 🔇

You might have heard about muting emails and wondered how it’s different from archiving. Both options help you declutter your inbox, but there’s a subtle distinction.

When you archive an email, it’s removed from your inbox but remains accessible. If someone replies to the archived email, it will return to your inbox.

On the other hand, when you mute an email, it is also removed from your inbox. However, muted emails will stay muted permanently, even if someone replies to them. It’s like sending them to the land of eternal silence!

To mute an email: 1. Access your Gmail account. 2. Open the email you want to mute. 3. Click the More button (three vertical dots). For web users, make sure to select the More button located at the top of your screen, below the search box. 4. Select the Mute option.

You can follow these steps on both iOS and Android devices. In iOS, the More icon looks like three horizontal dots, not three vertical dots.

If you change your mind and want to unmute an email conversation, follow the same steps but select the Unmute option in Step 4. Remember to select “Move to inbox” if you want the email to return to your inbox.

You can also unmute an email in the Gmail app for Android. Simply select the More icon, then choose “Move to inbox.”

All your muted conversations are conveniently grouped under the search term “is:mute” in the Gmail search box. So, you can quickly find them whenever you want.

Now that you know how to effectively manage your Gmail inbox with archiving, searching, and moving emails, it’s time to declutter and reclaim control of your digital life! 😎 Don’t let hundreds of emails suffocate your productivity.

If you found this guide helpful, share it with your friends and colleagues. And remember, a clean inbox is a happy inbox! 💌

Additional Q&A

Q: Can I archive multiple emails at once? A: Yes, you can select multiple emails and archive them in bulk. Simply check the small box icons next to the emails you want to archive, then choose the Archive button.

Q: How long will archived emails stay in my account? A: Archived emails will remain in your account indefinitely unless you manually delete them. They will be moved to the “All mail” folder and can be accessed using the methods mentioned in this guide.

Q: How can I free up storage space in Gmail? A: Archiving emails is a great way to free up storage space in Gmail. By removing messages from your inbox, you can keep your mailbox organized without permanently deleting important correspondence.

Q: Is archiving emails the same as deleting them? A: No, archiving is different from deleting. When you delete an email, it is permanently removed from your account. However, when you archive an email, it is simply moved out of your inbox while remaining accessible in the “All mail” folder.
