


Stopped ignoring my second monitor. Find out why! | ENBLE

Two LG UltraGear monitors sit on a desk.
Monica J. White / ENBLE


At a time when ultrawide monitors are all the rage, I have made a bold decision to stick to my trusty dual-monitor setup. While some may argue that ultrawide monitors offer superior gaming experiences, I have found a way to overcome the limitations of my dual monitors and couldn’t be happier. In this article, I will share my experience and explain why I choose dual monitors over ultrawide ones.

Imperfect, but Perfect for Me

Alienware ultrawide OLED on a desk.
Jacob Roach / ENBLE

I have been using dual monitors for the past 10 years, and despite their imperfections, they have served me well. The initial upgrade from a single 1080p monitor to dual monitors was mind-blowing. However, dual-monitor setups do have their drawbacks. The bezels break immersion, the gaming real estate is limited compared to ultrawide monitors, and you have to constantly move your head from side to side if you’re working. But hey, I’ve learned to live with these quirks because there’s just too much I enjoy about my setup to switch to an ultrawide monitor.

It Was Time to Stop Neglecting My Second Monitor

Two LG UltraGear monitors on a desk, seen from the side.
Monica J. White / ENBLE

For years, my second monitor was an afterthought. I always prioritized a decent primary display while settling for a cheap IPS panel for my second monitor. The result was a stark contrast in bezel thickness, color quality, contrast, brightness, and overall performance. It bothered me, but I didn’t do anything about it until recently.

With the purchase of a new PC last year, I also bought a 27-inch LG UltraGear 27GP850P-B monitor, one of the best 1440p monitors in its price range. It quickly became my favorite display, making my old Acer 24-inch monitor look even worse in comparison. So, I made a decision: I bought a second LG UltraGear 27GP850P-B monitor, turning my setup into a dual-monitor dream.

No Longer an Afterthought

Two LG UltraGear monitors sit on a desk in front of a dark background.
Monica J. White / ENBLE

Thinking back on my monitor journey, I realized that second monitors are often treated as afterthoughts. This shouldn’t be the case. Matching your monitors to your PC’s capabilities is essential to avoid wasting performance. Upgrading to an RTX 4080 in my new PC build, I knew I needed a new monitor right away. A 1080p display wouldn’t do justice to such a high-end graphics card. Although my dual monitors are not identical, I adjusted their settings to make them as close as possible, maximizing the potential of my gaming PC.

Would I recommend getting two of the same monitor for a dual setup? Absolutely. Having tested it myself, I can confidently say that having matching monitors provides a more cohesive and satisfying experience. While ultrawide monitors may seem tempting, I’ve found my own solution that perfectly suits my needs and budget.


Q: What are the drawbacks of using dual monitors compared to ultrawide monitors?

A: Dual monitors have thicker bezels, less gaming real estate, and can cause neck strain when working. They may not provide the same immersive gaming experience as ultrawide monitors.


Q: 为什么您选择将第二个显示器升级以匹配主显示器,而不是投资于超宽显示器?

A: 我真的喜欢使用两个显示器,并且升级第二个显示器是一种经济实惠的解决方案。通过保持双显示器设置并升级到相同型号的显示器,我实现了一致的体验,不牺牲拥有两个屏幕的好处。

Q: 在双显示器设置中可以使用两个不同的显示器吗?

A: 是的,可以在双显示器设置中使用两个不同的显示器。然而,这可能导致色彩、对比度和整体性能上的差异,可能会视觉上令人不适。调整它们的设置可以最大程度地减少差异,但拥有匹配的显示器对于无缝体验更为可取。




  1. 为游戏和工作精选的5款最佳超宽显示器(2024)
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  3. 节省$200,购买LG最新的游戏显示器,48英寸OLED巨无霸
  4. 三星27英寸QHD游戏显示器特价$230
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