


📧 SubdoMailing: When Emails Go Rogue! 💌

📅 Last Updated: Feb 26, 2024

Image: Shadowy figure in front of a computer with multiple email windows, dark background with digital lines connecting globally, symbolizing the impact of email fraud

A recent report by Bleeping Computer has exposed a sneaky and cunning ad fraud campaign known as “SubdoMailing.” Buckle up, folks, because this operation has been wreaking havoc in the digital realm, exploiting over 8,000 legitimate internet domains and 13,000 subdomains to unleash a staggering 5 million malicious emails daily! Talk about email overload!

Legitimate Domains Turned Rogue 😈

Nati Tal and Oleg Zaytsev from Guardio Labs cracked the case on this mastermind scheme back in 2022. The hackers behind SubdoMailing hijacked abandoned subdomains and domains of well-known companies, cleverly bypassing spam filters and fooling email authentication policies like SPF and DKIM. These crooks have truly turned the tables on the world of email fraud, making their deceitful messages appear legitimate.

So, who got caught up in the clutches of these digital miscreants? Brace yourself! The victims of this domain hijacking frenzy include big shots such as MSN, VMware, McAfee, The Economist, Cornell University, CBS, NYC.gov, PWC, Pearson, Better Business Bureau, Unicef, ACLU, Symantec, Java.net, Marvel, and even eBay! It seems like no domain is safe from these conniving cyber-criminals.

Cunning Tactics and Devious Payloads 🎣🐟

Unveiling SubdoMailing’s modus operandi is like peeling back the layers of a particularly sinister onion. These hackers employ two primary techniques: CNAME hijacking and SPF record exploitation. Let’s break it down, shall we?

In CNAME attacks, the cyber ne’er-do-wells identify subdomains with CNAME records pointing to unregistered external domains. And guess what they do next? They swoop in and register those external domains themselves, effectively gaining control over the subdomains in question. Crafty, right?

But wait, there’s more! These sneaky scoundrels exploit SPF records too. How? Well, they burrow into the external domains mentioned in the “include:” configuration option of their target domains’ SPF records. This allows them to authorize their malicious email servers under the guise of reputable domains. It’s like the email equivalent of a wolf wearing sheep’s clothing.

The Mega Impact of SubdoMailing 👥💥

This digital crime spree is no joke. Guardio Labs estimates that SubdoMailing deploys a mind-boggling array of nearly 22,000 unique IP addresses, including residential proxies, to spread their fraudulent emails far and wide. 🌍 The sheer scale and complexity of their operation pose a formidable challenge to internet security.

But fear not! The good folks at Guardio Labs have taken up the fight against SubdoMailing. They’ve created a nifty SubdoMailing checker site that helps domain owners determine if their brand has fallen victim to this fraudulent frenzy. Knowledge is power, after all!

With cyber threats evolving at such an alarming rate, it’s crucial for individuals and organizations to stay vigilant and educate themselves about the latest scams. Remember, knowledge is the real power when it comes to protecting yourself and your online presence.

🤔 Reader’s Corner: Your Burning Questions Answered! 🔥❓

Q: How can I protect myself from falling for the tricks of email fraudsters like SubdoMailing?

A: Great question! 🙌 First and foremost, always exercise caution when opening emails, especially those that seem suspicious or come from an unknown sender. Look for telltale signs of fraud, such as poor grammar or requests for personal information. Also, make sure to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for your email accounts and regularly update your passwords. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!







