追逐金牌,享受鱼子酱豪华的Apple Vision Pro

鱼子酱推出限量版18克拉镀金定制苹果Vision Pro,以其奢华的技术产品闻名


Caviar’s custom 18-Karat Gold Apple Vision Pro starts at $3,499.

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Caviar, the company that specializes in creating luxury versions of tech gadgets, is set to release its latest creation next year – a custom Apple Vision Pro plated with 18-karat gold. But be prepared to dig deep into your pockets, as this extravagant piece of technology will exceed Apple’s $3,499 starting price.

Privacy, Luxury, and Bling – All in One Device

What sets this dazzling device apart is not just the precious metal coating, but also the attention to detail. The headband is crafted from Connolly leather, providing a touch of luxury and comfort. And to add a layer of mystery and privacy, the device features a gold visor cover attachment inspired by “Tom Ford flip-up glasses and Gucci ski masks.”

“Judging by the public’s reaction, not everyone appreciates having their eyes displayed on the external screen. With Caviar’s version, you can preserve your privacy if you wish,” shared the company.

Limited Edition Splendor

The Apple Vision Pro CVR Edition by Caviar will be released as a limited edition of only 24 units, making it an exclusive and coveted item for tech enthusiasts with a taste for opulence. The estimated release date is early 2025, so mark your calendars. However, brace yourself for the price tag, as it is “available on request” according to the website, but other sources have advertised the device for an eye-watering $40,000.

Matching Luxury for Your iPhone

Caviar doesn’t stop at the Apple Vision Pro. They have recently listed a custom iPhone 15 Pro that perfectly complements the look of the Vision Pro. This stunning creation comes at a comparatively modest price of $8,060 and can be pre-ordered today from the Caviar website. So if you’re looking for a complete golden experience, you can now pair your Apple Vision Pro with a perfectly matching iPhone.

Q&A: What Else Do You Want to Know?

Q: Is the gold coating purely for aesthetics or does it serve any functional purpose?

A: While the gold coating on Caviar’s Apple Vision Pro is undoubtedly eye-catching, it primarily serves as a luxurious and opulent design choice. However, it does offer an added element of exclusivity and prestige to the device.

Q: Will the gold coating affect the device’s performance or durability?

A: The gold coating is applied to the exterior of the device and should not impact its performance or durability. The Apple Vision Pro is still a top-notch piece of technology that retains all its original functionalities and features.

Q: Are there any alternative luxury versions of tech gadgets available on the market?

A: Yes, Caviar is not the only company catering to those who seek luxury tech gadgets. There are other brands and companies that offer custom modifications and high-end materials, such as gold or gemstone embellishments, for various devices. However, Caviar has gained recognition for its unique and extravagant designs.

The Future of Luxury Technology

Caviar’s indulgent take on the Apple Vision Pro is just one example of the emerging trend where technology and luxury converge. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative and luxurious creations hitting the market.

The blend of technology and opulence opens up possibilities for customization and personalization, catering to individuals who appreciate both cutting-edge features and exquisite design. With advancements in materials and production techniques, the boundaries between technology and luxury are blurring, and the sky’s the limit for future creations.

Explore More on the Topic:

  1. Caviar’s official website
  2. The Apple Vision Pro – Caviar’s Luxury Take on Apple’s Latest Headset
  3. Caviar’s Custom iPhone 15 Pro
  4. Luxury Tech Gadgets and the Growing Market
  5. The Future of Luxury Technology and Its Implications

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