苹果的失败项目:从汽车到平板电脑,本可以是什么 🚗💻



苹果放弃汽车项目并取消其他倡议 | ENBLE



1. 泰坦计划:从未出现的苹果汽车 🚗





2. AirPower:失败的无线充电垫 📲


苹果的无线充电垫AirPower于2017年宣布,承诺同时为三台设备充电。然而,该公司于2019年取消了这个项目,称其未能达到其“高标准”。作为替代,苹果推出了MagSafe Duo,一款折叠旅行充电器,支持两台设备同时充电。虽然苹果取消AirPower的决定令人失望,但公司设法为其客户提供了替代方案。


问:MagSafe Duo是否是AirPower的合适替代品?答:虽然MagSafe Duo能同时为两台设备充电,但对于那些期待AirPower功能的用户可能并非理想选择。


3. 从未实现的苹果电视梦想 📺




问:苹果在电视行业有其他计划吗?答:虽然苹果尚未公开宣布任何关于电视的计划,但该公司继续在流媒体空间创新,推出了其Apple TV+服务。

4. Vademecum和MessageSlate:平板电脑的早期尝试 💼




In a parallel development, Apple was also working on a tablet project called MessageSlate, based on the Newton OS. However, this project was also abandoned. Instead, Apple released the MessagePad, a smaller version of the MessageSlate prototype, later that year.

Q: Did Apple’s early tablet prototypes influence the development of the iPad? A: While the early tablet prototypes like Vademecum and MessageSlate didn’t make it to market, they likely played a role in shaping Apple’s later successful tablet, the iPad.

Q: How did Apple’s decision to scrap these tablet projects impact the market? A: At the time of these projects, the market demand for tablets was not significant, and Apple made a strategic decision based on market conditions. However, the subsequent release of the iPad revolutionized the tablet industry.

5. W.A.L.T. and PenLite: Apple’s Early Days of Innovation ☎️✒️

Image: Apple’s “telephone Mac” project, W.A.L.T.

Long before the launch of the iPhone, Apple was already testing the waters of telecommunications with a project codenamed W.A.L.T. This “telephone Mac” featured a touchscreen panel with stylus support, fax capabilities, and caller ID. While the project never saw the light of day publicly, early units of W.A.L.T. were even auctioned on eBay.

In a separate endeavor, Apple developed another tablet project in 1992 called PenLite. Based on System 7.1, this tablet featured a stylus and a 25MHz Motorola processor. However, it too was scrapped due to market conditions and Apple’s assessment of its readiness.

Q: How did W.A.L.T. contribute to the development of the iPhone? A: The W.A.L.T. project showcased Apple’s early exploration of touchscreen technology and telecommunications, laying the foundation for the future development of the iPhone.

Q: Did the PenLite project influence the later development of Apple’s tablets? A: The PenLite project, while ultimately scrapped, likely contributed to Apple’s understanding of tablet technology and influenced the subsequent development of the iPad.

These failed projects from Apple showcase the risks involved in innovation and product development. While not every venture succeeds, they all contribute to the growth and evolution of a company. Apple’s ability to pivot and refocus its efforts has allowed it to remain at the forefront of technological advancements.

📚 Reference Links: 1. Apple’s Scrapped Car Project 2. Project Titan Shifts Focus to Generative AI 3. Apple’s Wildly Modular Concept EV Fleet 4. The Apple Car that never was: A timeline 5. Apple’s Failed Wireless Charging Mat 6. Apple’s MagSafe Duo Charger 7. The Unfulfilled Promise of an Apple TV Set 8. Apple’s Early Tablet Projects

Now it’s your turn! Let us know in the comments which Apple project you wish had become a reality and share this article with your friends. Let’s spark a conversation about the tech innovations that could have been! 💬💻

Note: The images used in this article are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent official Apple products.
